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LOGO has it's 15 year Anniversary and is coming out with a BANG!!!

An event will be held for 15 days from Oct 23rd till Nov 6th, midnight SLT, where it's possible to get Chelsea and Chase Bento mesh heads for FREE during the event.
Also are giveaways & prizes including Legacy mesh bodies, during the event so stay tuned!

About LOGO:

Founded in October 2005, Maximillion Grant is the creator behind all of LOGO's huge selection of heads and body accessories.
In 2012, LOGO was one of the pioneers in creating mesh heads and helped developing many of the concepts that became the standards in the industry.

Head update:

  • New mapping of skeleton (goes perfectly with pre-mesh skins and makeup)
  • 2 Head-versions: Normal and MeshBody Legacy fitting
HUD update:
  • BOM enabled (built-in button for Baked on Mesh)
  • 5 new Eye Effect Shine Style
  • Eyeball Shadow
  • Teeth & Tongue Texture

Dozen of designers are working on unique products for the new heads, among them:

  • SKIN designers such as TheSkinnery, Pink Fuel & Lara Hurley
  • MAKEUP designers Izzie's & alaskametro
  • SHAPE makers iEvolve, Cree Moi & Wren's Nest
  • HAIR designers Mina & Exile
  • and tons more...

Eyes, Eyeshadow & Lipstick

LOGO Crystal Eyes

(previously blogged here)

> Used: Blue #4

LOGO Glimmer Eyeshadows

(previous blogged here)

> Used: w/ crease, red

LOGO Glossy Eyeshadows Pack 1

(previously blogged here)

> Used: Glossy Overlay

LOGO Enhanced Ombre Glosses Lipstick

(previously blogged here)

> Used: Enhanced Lipstick #1 (1st gloss)


Ade - Dangerous Hairstyle

  • Normal (Maitreya) & Hourglass versions
  • 4 Styles
  • 2 Bangs
  • Each color-pack comes with 12 colors
  • Color Picker (tinter)

> Used: Normal version, Browns - 2nd row/3rd from left, no bangs

! Mainstore & Marketplace


Amias - Carmi gacha set

  • Maitreya only
  • Commons: corset, skirt, harness & cuff > 12 separate colors + HUD for metal & lace
  • Rares: 5 dress w/ 4 selected body color, including HUD for leather, skirt, metal & lace

> Used: Corset RARE #3, cuff L+R black, harness R black

@ Shiny Shabby (Oct 20 - Nov 15)

! Soon in Mainstore

Earrings, Body & Sword



Crimson Shadow (not around anymore)